A Cunning Blog

Long words. Short words. Words that say something.

Dear publicist / arts marketing department

1 Comment

Thank you for your very informative media kit. I know you spent a long time preparing it. However, I already feel bad about the number of trees that are sacrificed in the name of print media. I don’t want to feel bad about your media kit as well. Therefore:

1. Please feel free to email me a .pdf of the media kit. I like an electronic kit because I can do a text search, and it doesn’t clog up my mail box or my recycling bin or give my postie a hernia. If I want to read it cover to cover I will print it out myself.

2. If you do feel a pressing need to send me a hard copy please feel free to print on both sides of the paper.  I’d also feel much less guilty if you used recycled paper.

3.  If your organisation is printing brochures, can I still have one of those please? I use them as a year round reference.

If you are already doing this – and thumbs up to Opera Queensland and tjc who are amongst those who are – many thanks.

Author: harryfiddler

Harriet Cunningham – aka @harryfiddler — is a freelance writer based in Sydney. Harriet wrote her first novel, about a runaway cat, at the age of 7. In the forty year gap between novel 1 and novel 2 she moved from London to Edinburgh to Sydney, ran an opera company, played violin on the opera house stage and sailed from Gove to Darwin. She is now a music critic and writer, best known as the critic who got banned by Opera Australia. She still hangs out at the Sydney Opera House, is still trying to get that novel published, and still plays the violin.

One thought on “Dear publicist / arts marketing department

  1. Yeah but, how many electrons died to produce your post?

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